Mason County, Illinois ILGenWeb


History of Menard and Mason Counties, Illinois, 1879, by Miller and Ruggles
Pennyslvania Township
Page 853

JAMES I. HURLEY, farmer and stock raiser; P. O.Teheran; was born in Ocean Co., N. J., June 11, 1836; there he followed the business of burning charcoal; they moved to Mason Co., Ill., in the fall of 1852; his father, Aaron Huiley, died on board a boat, on their way West, with the cholera, and was buried on Liberty Island, just below St. Louis. (See biography of Christopher Titus.) After they came to Mason Co., Mr. James I. Hurley worked at farming by the month or day, until March 1861, when he purchased eighty acres of improved land, where he now resides, in Pennsylvania Township. He married Emma J. Riggs March 11, 1869; she was born in Orange Co., N. C., May 30, 1850, and came to Mason Co. Oct. 28, 1868; they have had seven children:  Maggie E., born Feb. 17, 1870; Sybil P., March 18, 1871; Olive M., May 29, 1872 (died July 18 following); Petro N., Oct. 25, 1873; Lena P., Sept. 12, 1874: Bertha V., Jan. 5, 1877; Royal E., June 8, 1878. He owns 140 acres of land, a good house and barn, and outbuildings, which he has erected since 1867.

Maintained by Mason County Coordinator Donna Mayer